I am the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, as well as the book, Steeped in Heritage. For a sample of academic publications, see below:
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles, Books, and Book Chapters:
Wynberg, Rachel, Ives, Sarah and June Bam. 2024. How Access and Benefit Sharing Entrenches Inequity: The Case of Rooibos. Journal of Southern African Studies 49(4): 589-610.
Ives, Sarah. 2023. Decolonizing Mountain Writing: Gender, Race, and the Mini-Memoirs of the Digital Age. Edited Volume: The Mountain and the Politics of Representation. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Bartos, Ann and Sarah Ives. 2023. Foreword. Edited Volume: Sexual Misconduct in Academia: Informing an Ethics of Care in the University. London: Routledge
Ives, Sarah. 2022. The Politics of Blurry Lines in South Africa: From Apartheid to the Anthropocene. In G. Wynn, J. Carruthers, and N. Jacobs. Environment, Power, and Justice: Southern African Histories. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
Ives, Sarah. 2020. “The New Pomegranate”: Rooibos Magic, Traditional Knowledge, and the Politics and Possibilities of Superfoods. In R. Wilk and E. McDonell, eds. Critical Approaches to Superfoods. New York: Bloomsbury.
Bartos, Ann and Sarah Ives (equal contributors). 2019. More than “Silly Stories”: Sexual Harassment as Academic Training. Forum on Auto-Methods in Feminist Geography. GeoHumanities 5(2): 342–354.
Bartos, Ann and Sarah Ives (equal contributors). 2019. “Learning the Rules of the Game”: Emotional Labor and the Gendered Academic Subject. Gender, Place and Culture 26(6): 778–794.
Ives, Sarah. 2017. Steeped in Heritage: The Racial Politics of South African Rooibos Tea. Durham: Duke University Press.
Coombe, Rosemary, Sarah Ives, and Daniel Huizenga. 2015. Chapter 11 – Geographical Indications: The Promise, Perils and Politics of Protecting Place-Based Products. In M. David and D. Halbert, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property. London: Sage.
Coombe, Rosemary, Sarah Ives, and Daniel Huizenga. 2015. Chapter 12 – The Social Imaginary of Geographical Indicators in Contested Environments: The Politicized Heritage and the Racialized Landscapes of South African Rooibos Tea. In M. David and D. Halbert, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property. London: Sage.
Ives, Sarah. 2014. Farming the South African “Bush”: Ecologies of Belonging and Exclusion in Rooibos Tea. American Ethnologist 41(4): 698–713.
Ives, Sarah. 2014. Uprooting ‘Indigeneity’ in South Africa’s Western Cape: The Plant that Moves. American Anthropologist 116(2): 310–323.
Ives, Sarah. 2009. Visual Methodologies through a Feminist Lens: South African Soap Operas and the Post-Apartheid Nation. GeoJournal 74(3): 245–255.
Other Academic Writing:
Ives, Sarah. 2025. “History in a Wine Glass” - Race, Taste and the Grape: South African Wine from a Global Perspective Paul Nugent. Invited Book Review. Journal of African History 1-2.
Ives, Sarah, Rachel Wynberg, and Graham Dutfield. 2020. Rooibos settlement omits other marginalized people (Correspondence). Nature 577, 318.
Graham Dutfield, Rachel Wynberg, Sarah Laird, and Sarah Ives. 2020. Benefit Sharing and Traditional Knowledge: Unsolved Dilemmas for Implementation. The Challenge of Attribution and Origin: Traditional Knowledge and Access and Benefit Sharing. Voices for BioJustice, Policy Brief.